Main Demo

This is a "kitchen sink" app, demonstrating almost everything Avo can help you with: easy CRUD, search & filtering, dashboards, widgets, 30+ fields, custom actions and much more.
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The main demo application is where we put on display everything—well, almost everything—that Avo can do to help you build faster and better applications.

You can quickly see what makes Avo great here:

  • Fields: More than 30 fields and custom fields to help you build faster admin experiences. And they're not only your run-off-the-mill fields like text, textarea or select, they actually include things like file uploads, badges, country select, date and datetime pickers, key-value pair fields, markdown, WYSIWYG editor, money, password, status, tags, and many more.
  • Associations: build faster by having the ability to visualize and modify associated records without the need for extra navigation. Want to create a user before adding it to a Review? We've got you covered.
  • Customizable global and resource-based search: using the ransack gem and some goodies like search results customization your admin panel can get an excellent search experience without the need to spend too much time on it.
  • Dashboards and metrics: with Avo you can configure a dashboard to quickly visualize the things that matter to your goals in a matter of minutes/hours and not days. Everything works out of the box.
  • Custom menus and sidebar: customize your backoffice experience as you see fit to help your users navigate and reach their goals quickly.
  • Location and map visualization: build features like fleet tracking or location based applications without much customization.
  • Resource table and grid view: pick how you want to visuaze your records. If you want to show users a more visual representation of records, pick a grid view, otherwise you can stick to a table view to keep things more compact.
  • Record reordering: if you have resources that are ordered by position or any custom ordinal attribute you can quickly order them from the index view and save a lot of time vs having to order them manually.
  • And much more...

Explore our main demo application to find out how a real-world Avo backoffice might look like and behave.

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